Facilitator Based Programmes

Facilitator Based Programmes

Some of our programmes require training to become a facilitator. We may be able to deliver these programs in your church, or perhaps train facilitators from your church to roll out the programme annually.

No Apologies.  (Consider this program for a youth Camp).

No Apologies

No Apologies is a character-based abstinence curriculum that helps young people make wise choices regarding high-risk behaviour, including sexual involvement

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Raising Highly Capable Kids. (An Outreach program facilitated by your church at a nearby School).


LIFE LINE: 0861 322 322
RAPE CRISIS: 0800 150 150
CHILDLINE: 0800 055 555
AIDS HELPLINE: 0800 012 322
SUICIDE CRISIS LINE: 0800 567 567 or
SMS to 31393

Or for more help and emergency numbers visit: Grace Counselling www.gracecounselling.org.za or
SADAG www.sadag.org