The Media and You

Am I a media addict?

More About the Event

Pricing: For more information on pricing please complete the form below and our team will reach out shortly with additional information.

Speaker: Reagen Mackay

Duration: 1 hour

Event Description: Gain an understanding that our perception and attitudes towards love, sex and relationships are largely shaped by the media. As young people we need to practise discernment when engaging with media. We will discuss the dangers of media along with its benefits, creating a media filter to be media literate.

This event is based on the highly successful Youth Programme: No Apologies – The Truth About Life, Love and Sex.

What to expect/topics covered: 

  • Understanding the influence that media has on individuals, especially young people.
  • Using discernment when engaging with the media.
  • Excess gaming can distort our view of reality and can negatively change how we relate with others.
  • Learning the harmful effects that Pornography has on the individual.


Speaker Bio:

Reagan Mackay is the lead facilitator for a program called “No Apologies,” which is an abstinence-based character development program, serving at Focus on the Family Africa. He is currently pursuing his Licentiate in Theology, as well as answering God’s call towards Pastoral Ministry. Reagan cares deeply about youth ministry and desires to bring about cultural change within this generation by applying Biblical principles to our daily lives.

Reagan is the son of Pastors Peter and Lisa Mackay, and he has two brothers named Luke and Michael. They reside in KZN.

Bring This Event To Your Community!

If you would like to bring this event to your church, please contact us by filling out the form below. We look forward to serving you!

The Media and You Contact Form

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