WHOOSH! – When heaven opens over simple happenings

WHOOSH! – When heaven opens over simple happenings

by Clark Cothern

You know what it’s like. You sit at a computer where your kid has been looking at who knows what. You fear that you’ll stumble upon a spine-chilling confession written into a poem—something about drugs or witchcraft, or secret thoughts about wanting to take up the bagpipes.
One night when I was pasting a paragraph from one document into another, I hit the keys and blinked fast. My eyes widened. I squinted at the screen. That’s not my paragraph, I thought. Obviously, I had forgotten to copy before I pasted.
Aha! I recognized the words as an excerpt from a paper my high-school sophomore son had been writing for science class. It read: “The theory of evolution is just that: a theory. It is in no way proven; it is merely an idea of how the earth came to be. The so-called missing links that would prove one species evolved into a completely new species are just that: missing.”
I had no idea my son had been infected with some of the passion his old dad has for this subject. I had caught him doing something great.
Heaven had just opened over that tiny space in my office, turning it into a sanctuary where I silently worshiped.
Thank You, Lord, that my son’s faith is becoming real. Thank You that he’s willing to thoughtfully debate others who may become hostile in their disagreement. Thank You that he has a faith strong enough and personal enough that he is willing to engage culture with drastically different ideas from the norm.
Don’t you just love it when a tiny portal of heaven opens over a simple happening? Blessings on you, fellow parent. My prayer is that you’ll catch your kid doing something great this week. When you do, enjoy the “Whoosh!”

Clark Cothern is the senior pastor of Living Water Community Church, Ypsilanti, Mich., and the author of At the Heart of Every Great Father.

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