Episode 4:
The Influence of Jesus

We’ve been conditioned to believe that faith and science are at odds. Or that the Bible is incompatible with history books. Or that Christian principles have no place in education. In reality, however, Christ and His teachings have had a profound and positive impact on the fields of science, education, and the arts throughout history. As J. Warner Wallace notes in Episode 4, even if the New Testament disappeared today, Jesus could not be erased. You would see evidence of Him throughout the globe in the sciences, in architecture, in education, and in numerous other disciplines.

Watch the video below to get started. Then, check out the Scripture verse, discussion questions, prayer, and additional resources.


Step 1: Watch Episode 4

Step 2:
Read and Meditate on Scripture

This is the disciple who is testifying about these things and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true.
But there are also many other things which Jesus did, which, if they were written in detail,
I expect that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written.

(John 21:24-45)

Step 3:
Questions For Discussion

  1. Research the founders of some institutions of higher learning, such as Princeton or Harvard. What do they have in common?

  2. Can you name some noteworthy books throughout history that were influenced by the life of Christ? Works of art? Scientific disciplines?

  3. Warner Wallace says, “You can’t get rid of Jesus by eliminating the New Testament.” What does he mean by this?

Step 4:
Take Time in Prayer

Thank you for the lasting and indelible impact that Christ and Scripture have made upon our world over the centuries.
As society grows more skeptical and hostile, help us point to the myriad ways in which art, education, and science
point to the eternal truths of Scripture.

Other Resources

Does God Exist?

In TrueU: Does God Exist? Dr. Stephen Meyer plays a sort of "philosophical survival" game pitting four worldviews against one another in the quest to decide which one gives the best answers. Dr. Meyer helps you examine the evidence and provides the tools needed to defend your faith and make it your own.

Is the Bible Reliable?

In Is the Bible Reliable? Dr. Stephen Meyer challenges you to examine the historical and archaeological evidence to determine for yourself the veracity and accuracy of Scripture. Is the Bible true? You decide.

Who is Jesus?

TrueU: Who is Jesus? is designed to help students and young adults discover the truth about Jesus - for themselves.

Dr. Del Tackett, host of Focus on the Family's The Truth Project, is assisted by guest experts Lee Strobel, Gary Habermas, and others.

Together they intelligently explore Jesus's ancestry and prophetic mission; His words, works, and character; His death and resurrection; whether Jesus is the only way to God; and more.

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