Episode 1:
Defining Terms in an Investigation

Detectives are committed to the search for truth. Whether it’s finding a missing person, catching a thief, or solving a murder, their mission is to search for clues that reveal who, what, where, when, and why a crime has been committed.

But what if the case was finding proof for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Is there evidence for that? Absolutely! And in this first episode, J. Warner Wallace reveals how the principles of solid detective work can give us revealing insights into the life of Jesus and the claims about Him in Scripture and throughout the historical record.

Watch the video below to get started. Then, check out the Scripture verse, discussion questions, prayer, and additional resources.


Step 1: Watch Episode 1

Step 2:
Read and Meditate on Scripture

He who saw it has borne witness—his testimony is true,
and he knows that he is telling the truth—that you also may believe.

(John 19:35)


Step 3:
Questions For Discussion

  1. When you placed your trust in Christ, how much of that decision depended upon blind faith and how much depended upon historical facts? Can the two be separated? Why or why not?

  2. If someone asked you to “prove” for them who Jesus said He was, what evidence would you use?

  3. During his evangelistic crusades, the Reverend Billy Graham used to ask, “If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” How would you answer this question?

Step 4:
Take Time in Prayer

Heavenly Father,
Thank you that even though we are saved by faith alone, there is ample historical evidence to undergird and inform that faith.
As we engage with this series, grant us wisdom and grace as we explore the numerous signposts
throughout Scripture, culture, and history pointing the way to Jesus.

Other Resources

Does God Exist?

In TrueU: Does God Exist? Dr. Stephen Meyer plays a sort of "philosophical survival" game pitting four worldviews against one another in the quest to decide which one gives the best answers. Dr. Meyer helps you examine the evidence and provides the tools needed to defend your faith and make it your own.

Is the Bible Reliable?

In Is the Bible Reliable? Dr. Stephen Meyer challenges you to examine the historical and archaeological evidence to determine for yourself the veracity and accuracy of Scripture. Is the Bible true? You decide.

Who is Jesus?

TrueU: Who is Jesus? is designed to help students and young adults discover the truth about Jesus - for themselves.

Dr. Del Tackett, host of Focus on the Family's The Truth Project, is assisted by guest experts Lee Strobel, Gary Habermas, and others.

Together they intelligently explore Jesus's ancestry and prophetic mission; His words, works, and character; His death and resurrection; whether Jesus is the only way to God; and more.

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