A Guiding Tool to Inspire You and Your Family's Faith in Jesus . . .

Do you start off the year focused and end up losing track of family devotions when life gets busy? Our Together Family Devotional downloadable booklet is just for you.  

Written by educator Shell Shaw, aimed at primary school aged children, we hope and pray that this Term 3 (Weeks 5 – 8) booklet will be a helpful tool to chat with your little people about faith and Jesus, bringing you closer together as a family. The booklet has daily devotionals with topical themes that you can engage in as a family. The devotions, for each school term, will keep you and your family connected to your faith as you go about your daily life!

This devotional is FREE to download. Subscribe to receive more of our Parenting content. 

Subscribe to our Parenting content below to download your Together Devotional Booklet now!