Tales of Hope

Tales of Hope is a child-headed household’s programme. A child-headed household is a household where a learner aged 15 to 18 is responsible for themselves and their younger siblings for one or more of the reasons below.

  • The death of one or both parents, and maternal and paternal family members are not willing to look after them.
  • The child has a chronically or seriously ill parent, parent figure, or caregiver that he or she is responsible for looking after.
  • The child has a parent or caregiver who is normally absent; in some cases, they are left to fend for themselves for months on end.
  • The child has a parent or caregiver who displays negligence.
  • The child has a parent or caregiver who does not provide parental assistance or care.
  • The child is responsible for himself or herself and his or her siblings.

Children thrust into having to take responsibility for themselves and their siblings need a trusted, compassionate guide to come alongside them. Teach them how to grieve, discover a relationship with Jesus, learn how to budget, access grants, garden, and even parent their siblings. They are often assisted with school uniforms, food, and even toiletries, including sanitary pads. They are encouraged to hope for more, to believe that they are precious and can pursue a future, and not remain victims.

With this programme we have seen the highest number of decisions for Christ. As we begin to love and care for these heads of child headed households, they begin to see the love of God for them. Seeing the children post programme and hearing the impact the programme has had on their lives and that of their siblings is amazing to see and hear.  


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LIFE LINE: 0861 322 322
RAPE CRISIS: 0800 150 150
CHILDLINE: 0800 055 555
AIDS HELPLINE: 0800 012 322
SUICIDE CRISIS LINE: 0800 567 567 or
SMS to 31393

Or for more help and emergency numbers visit: Grace Counselling www.gracecounselling.org.za or
SADAG www.sadag.org