No Apologies Learner’s Manual


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Please note this resource is part of the No Apologies, The Truth about Sex, Life and Love programme.

No Apologies is a character-based sex education program that promotes abstinence from premarital sex as well as other high-risk behaviors such as illicit drug use, drinking, smoking, gambling, gangsterism etc.

No Apologies teaches:

Health Education: Premature sexual activity is destructive toward self and others. It poses a threat to young people’s physical health, including teenage pregnancy.

Relationship education: Sex is not the same as love; waiting until marriage to have sex is a sign of true love and adds to a stable, mature relationship.

Character education: Sexual behavior is determined by values rather than by simple knowledge, educating young people about the moral dimensions of sexual conduct, providing them with skills and strategies of character to apply core ethical values of respect, responsibility and self-control in the sexual domain.

Please contact Kudzai Muhwati on or call 031 716 3300 for details on how to be trained – online training now available.