Raising Highly Capable Kids is a 13-week program for parents. The curriculum goes through the 40 Developmental Assets which are building blocks for healthy development. It helps young people grow up healthy, caring and responsible. These are the foundations of the program. Raising Highly Capable Kids is a value based program designed to reach broad audiences in schools and communities.


Focus on the Family Africa would like to partner with your church in running this program in the communities and schools you provide outreach services to.

Kudzai Chimango: kudzaim@fotf.co.za

Alternatively call 031 716 3300


LIFE LINE: 0861 322 322
RAPE CRISIS: 0800 150 150
CHILDLINE: 0800 055 555
AIDS HELPLINE: 0800 012 322
SUICIDE CRISIS LINE: 0800 567 567 or
SMS to 31393

Or for more help and emergency numbers visit: Grace Counselling www.gracecounselling.org.za or
SADAG www.sadag.org