Loving Your Husband Post Miscarriage
By Ashley Durand
Your husband may not grieve the same way as you after losing a baby. Here are some tips for loving him post miscarriage.
“Hey babe, why don’t we go out for ice cream or do something fun?” My husband asked me the day after our miscarriage. He was trying so hard to cheer me up, but I didn’t want to be cheered.
“Can’t I just be sad? Is that OK?” I asked with a heavy heart. I didn’t understand why he wanted me to rush past my grief, or why he wasn’t sadder. Why wasn’t he in a pool of tears like I was?
I didn’t realize that he was coping with his own sadness post miscarriage by suppressing his emotions to make me happy.
And to be candid, at first I was frustrated that he wasn’t grieving the same way I was. I wanted him to wail and cry — to talk it out. But what he needed was to be alone with his thoughts. He needed a different outlet than words or tears for his emotions. He needed to “fix” the situation.
Recognize he will grieve differently post miscarriage
Different grief does not mean less
Miscarriage is often portrayed as a woman’s issue. And yes, women are affected differently because they felt the physical presence of a tiny baby inside of them. But the implications of a miscarriage also have an impact on men. They, too, have dashed hopes and dreams. They, too, will deeply mourn, weep and feel.
Remember his need to fix the situation
The best way for a husband to process his grief post miscarriage might be in trying to “fix” it the best he can. That might mean helping his wife cope with her grief by being a shoulder to cry on. It might look like commemorating the life of the baby by writing a letter, planting a tree or building a frame to host the baby’s tiny footprint. No matter what method he chooses, it is important for you, his wife, to realize that he is “fixing it” because he loves you and wants to take away your pain as much as he can.
Give him space but don’t withdraw
Sometimes the best way to love someone through pain is to give him or her some breathing room. Let your husband go for a hike or a run alone. Encourage him to go hunting or fishing or to do whatever it is that he loves. Give freedom for space, but don’t withdraw from him because you’re upset he isn’t grieving the same way as you.
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