Abstinence Before Marriage: Talking Points

  • While sexual intimacy is the exclusive privilege of a husband and wife within the context of marriage, sexual morality is the concern of individuals, families and society.
  • Abstinence until and faithfulness within marriage fulfills the biblical guidelines of sexual morality, which include the following:
  • Human sexuality is both a gift and a responsibility.
  • The morality of sex is defined by God’s holiness and His standards rather than by human desire, experience, personal preference, culture or opinion.
  • Sexual behaviour is moral only within the institution of heterosexual, monogamous marriage.
  • Marriage protects an important purpose of personal sexual intimacy: to reflect the intimate moral and spiritual union Christ will one day enjoy with His Church.
  • God’s standards for sexual moral purity are meant to protect human happiness; only sex within marriage can be physically enjoyable, emotionally satisfying, psychologically fulfilling and spiritually meaningful as He fully intended.
  • Sex is not an entitlement, nor is it needed for personal wholeness or emotional maturity.
  • Sexual sins can be fully forgiven through repentance and faith in Christ’s atoning work, but physical and psychological consequences caused by sexual sin cannot always be erased in this life.
  • Sexual celibacy is a worthy state for mature men and women. Unmarried singles who abstain from sex are as pleasing to God as faithful persons in marriage.
  • All persons – even unmarried teenagers – can rely on God’s strength to abstain from sex before marriage.
  • Sexual immorality threatens the stability of marriages and families. Early premarital sex increases the likelihood of promiscuity and future marital breakup.
  • Sexual immorality threatens the stability of our society.
  • Sexual activity outside of marriage causes physical, mental and emotional consequences including out-of-wedlock childbearing, teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, guilt, fear, depression, lowered self-respect and increased risk of suicide.

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