Detecting Learning Difficulties
By Focus on the Family
Although many of the following conditions are often true of those without learning difficulties, a pronounced difficulty in one or more of these areas may indicate that a physician should diagnose the problem.
Symptoms in preschoolersBy age 1, the child cannot do one or more of the following:
- say “Mama”
- play peek-a-boo
- wave bye-bye
- respond to his name
- sit up on his own
By age 2, he does not:
- say the names of a few toys
- imitate parents
- seem capable of identifying eyes, ears, nose and mouth
- walk unaided By age 3, he does not:
- repeat simple rhymes
- enjoy playing alone with toys
- understand simple stories
- navigate stairs
By age 4, he does not:
- talk in short sentences
- enjoy playing with other children
- give correct answers to simple questions
- balance on one foot By age 5, he is not:
- understood outside the family
- sharing or taking turns
- understanding the words “yesterday,” “today” and “tomorrow”
- capable of throwing overhand
- catching a ballSymptoms in youngsters and adults
- He has difficulty understanding spoken directions.
- He has trouble pronouncing a word until someone says it for him.
- He tries to treat people well, but often says something inappropriate.
- He has difficulty following written instructions.
- In writing, he leaves out or reverses words or letters.
- He knows his way around town until a street is torn up or a building is removed.
- He usually mismatches clothes.
- He is disorganized and can’t find belongings.
- He reads and writes well, but can’t balance a checkbook.
- He is clumsy.
- He has poor coordination in writing or drawing.
- He is easily annoyed.
- He tends to act impulsively.
- He is either extremely over- or under-active.
- He has a short attention span.
From, a Focus on the Family web site. Copyright © 2002, Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission.