When Men Think Private Thoughts


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Am I competent and successful? Am I a desirable husband and a good father? Am I in charge of my life, or is my life in charge of me? Men ask these measure-up questions of themselves in times of quiet contemplation as they consider what are not, what they think they ought to be, and what they ultimately want to be. George MacDonald addresses them all in When Men Think Private Thoughts. MacDonald explores avenues that include sexuality and masculinity; intimacy, romance, and friendship; and achievement and definitions of success, revealing how each road intersects with a man’s soul. You’ll be able to put aside the stereotypical definitions of maleness that plague men’s private thoughts and will see instead a Christ-centered model. While When Men Think Private Thoughts is designed for men, it’ll also help women better understand the men they love, enabling them to reach deeper levels of acceptance and partnership. Includes a study guide for individual or group use.