No Apologies Half Day Parents Training on Media

Date:  25 March 2022 via Microsoft Teams
Time: 9am to 1pm – Cost: R250 (50% off special)

About No Apologies

No Apologies is a character-based curriculum that helps young people make wise choices regarding high-risk behaviours, including sexual involvement before marriage. The aim is to have open and honest dialogue with youth and address the physical, emotional, mental and social implications involved in engaging in premarital sex, helping young people safely navigate the most critical decade of their lives.

This training is geared at parents, it’s a  fun, informative and effective session that will give you invaluable tools as you parent children in this season. Our facilitator will empower you to influence your youngsters as they navigate their way through media as young people.

Empower yourself to influence adolescents to:

  • Understand that their Perception and attitudes towards love, sex and relationships are largely shaped by media
  • Gauge the amount of media that they are exposed to
  • Develop discernment and enable the young person to filter messages received from media
  • Understand the negative effects of gaming, Internet use and pornography

No Apologies Half Day Parents Training on Media

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LIFE LINE: 0861 322 322
RAPE CRISIS: 0800 150 150
CHILDLINE: 0800 055 555
AIDS HELPLINE: 0800 012 322
SUICIDE CRISIS LINE: 0800 567 567 or
SMS to 31393

Or for more help and emergency numbers visit: Grace Counselling or