No Apologies 4-part series (every Friday) Online Parents Training

Friday Dates: 4, 11, 16 and 25 March 2022 via Microsoft Teams
Time: 9am – 10am – R100

In a culture teeming with sexual images, inappropriate messages, and dangerous advice about sex…..More than ever before, adolescents need help to steer through the sea of mixed messages that surround them.

About No Apologies

No Apologies is a character-based curriculum that helps young people make wise choices regarding high-risk behaviours, including sexual involvement before marriage. The aim is to have open and honest dialogue with you and address the physical, emotional, mental and social implications involved in engaging in premarital sex, helping young people safely navigate the most critical decade of their lives.

Fun, Informative and effective, No Apologies empowers teens to develop positive character traits and make good choices.

No Apologies helps our adolescents  to:

  • Identify clearly the consequences associated with premarital sexual activity
  • Understand the value of healthy behaviours
  • Recognizing the relationship between love and sex and the benefits of saving sex for marriage
  • Practice the skills necessary to achieve the goal of abstinence from premarital sexual involvement.

About The Training

Unit 1: 4 March 2022

Objective: To let youth know they unique, multidimensional individuals with intrinsic value that should be treated with care and respect.

Session 1
– One of a kind you
– Life goals and dreams

Unit 2: 11 March 2022

Objective: To let youth know that the messages sent out by the media affect how they view love, sex, and relationships.

Session 2
– The media and you (Media influence)

Unit 3: 16 March 2022

Objective: To let youth understand the necessity of drawing boundaries in their life. The boundaries they set today affect their future and there are consequences when boundaries are crossed.

Session 3
– Healthy Boundaries and choices

Unit 4: 25 March 2022

Objective: To help youth understand the meaning of abstinence and the value of purity

Session 4
– Healthy relationships

No Apologies Fridays 4-part series Online Parents Training​

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LIFE LINE: 0861 322 322
RAPE CRISIS: 0800 150 150
CHILDLINE: 0800 055 555
AIDS HELPLINE: 0800 012 322
SUICIDE CRISIS LINE: 0800 567 567 or
SMS to 31393

Or for more help and emergency numbers visit: Grace Counselling or