Marriage Assessment

The Focus on the Family Marriage Assessment is designed to evaluate the strength of 10 essential traits of your marriage. Do you know your marriage’s strengths and weaknesses?

We are so glad you’ve taken this step to invest in your marriage.  Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley have spent years studying why marriages thrive.  They’ve found there are 10 behaviors that consistently make up great marriages.

Based on research and experience from the Smalleys, Focus on the Family has created valid and reliable questions that evaluate the strength of 10 essential traits of your marriage—areas such as communication, conflict, and commitment.

The assessment is free and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

The questions are designed for married couples. Every marriage has areas that are working well and areas that could use improvement. If you want to identify your strengths and find tools to help you grow, this assessment is for you.

STEP 1: How Do I Get Started?

  1. Each spouse takes the free assessment individually (about 10 minutes)
  2. Access your report through the link at the end of the assessment. We will also email you with a link to your assessment results. To be able to return to your results at any time, be sure to save the report as a PDF.
  3. Discuss the report with your spouse, and check out the suggested resources to further enhance your relationship.
NB. After you take the assessment you will be directed to specific articles and resources on the Focus US site. Please note that all these articles and resources are available locally on our Focus Africa page.

STEP 2: Articles and Resources

We encourage you to take this step if you have completed the assessment in Step 1. The assessment will guide you to the articles and resources that are relevant to your strengths and growth areas concerning your marriage.

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