The Bible and the Church talk about marriage being God’s design, and there is much emphasis on the sanctity of…
ListenTalking to Children About Tragic Events
As a parent, how should I deal with my children when mass shootings, natural disasters, and other tragic events involving…
ListenMoving Forward After the Pain of Divorce
How do I deal with the brokenness of divorce and make a new life for my kids and myself? I'll…
ListenCreating An Atmosphere Of Affection
This is a 60-second daily feature looking at most critical issues facing the family today. In these features, Focus on…
ListenBiblical Perspectives on Polygamy and Polyamory
Why can't I have a biblically based family with multiple partners? Most of the great men of the Bible –…
ListenFaith Doubt vs Unbelief
What's the difference between an "unbeliever" and a person who simply has honest questions about God? I believe in the…
ListenGirls and Women Wearing Pants
Should I let my teenage girls wear pants? I was raised in a conservative Christian home where modesty in behavior…
ListenMarriage and Sexuality As Spiritual Symbols
Are marriage and sex appropriate images of our relationship with God? While reading an article on Christian marriage I came…
ListenTalking to Teen About Suicide of Friend or Acquaintance
How should I talk with my adolescent son about a friend of his who recently took his own life? The…