After several years of marriage, you and your spouse may be more focused on negatives than positives! Bob Lepine challenges…
ListenSeasons Of A Marriage
“... And they lived happily ever after.” If only it was that simple... Brad Sadler gives us practical tools on…
ListenMaking Positive Choices For A Stronger Marriage
Loving your spouse is a choice you make each and every day. Dr. Ron Welch and his wife Jan explain…
ListenMaking Win-Win Decisions in Marriage
Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley help couples learn to work together as a team, rather than resorting to disappointing compromise,…
ListenCreating a Marriage Full of Love and Laughter
There comes a point in time in every marriage when the husband and wife get busy, and it’s easy to…
ListenCherish Your Spouse, Change Your Marriage (Part 2 of 2)
If you want a better marriage, pay attention to your spouse! Gary Thomas encourages you to communicate more, learn how…
ListenCherish Your Spouse, Change Your Marriage (Part 1 of 2)
Are you willing to play “second violin” in your marriage? Gary Thomas describes how serving, affirming, and committing to your…
ListenHow to Deal with a Controlling Spouse
Even in loving, Christian marriages, there can be a battle for control! Learn how manipulation, anxiety, and fear can lead…
ListenBuilding Blocks For A Stronger Marriage
Marriage is all about uniting two people with a solid foundation in the Lord. Bob Lepine encourages you to strengthen…