This is an uncertain moment for our nation, and indeed our world, as we collectively respond to this new coronavirus and its growing spread around the globe.
As I met with the Focus on the Family Africa team this week at our staff devotion, I shared that the scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” has been at the forefront of my mind. Fear is a tool of the enemy. Although we should be prudent in our precautions to protect our families, panic has no place in the life of a believer.
I’m reminded of the members of the early Christian Church, many of whom ran into dangerous situations to help the sick just as the rest of the world was running out. Rather than be ruled by fear, they rested secure in the knowledge that they were eternally secure in the hands of their heavenly father. In this moment of uncertainty and crisis in our world, I would encourage you to look to God and ask him how you can respond in faith and to be a witness for him.
At Focus on the Family Africa, we as a team are lifting up in prayer those who are personally affected by the coronavirus, especially our most vulnerable populations; those who are serving on the medical front lines providing health care to the sick; those who are feeling the effects of fear and anxiety; and those who are lonely and isolated. I would ask that you join us in prayer for those in our local communities and those in our global community. Right now, more than ever, we need to set an example of God’s love, mercy and compassion in the midst of fear and panic.
If you need additional help from one of our counsellors, or you’d like us to pray for you, reach out to our counselling team here
Love and Blessings,
Graeme Schnell
CEO Focus on the Family Africa
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